“Cruise ship docks and brings virus to SF? What year is this? Oh right, it’s today. ”
2022. 2 years into the pandemic.
Schools are reopening and still haven’t addressed ventilation. The hospitals are already filled with children.
Fog brained Long Covid sufferers may count into the millions in Florida alone?
“The cost of not learning pandemic life - well, fast, or at all - is immense.
We were already challenged in the cognition department before this point.
In “Making Early Sense Of The Pandemic”, I refer to the February 2020 cruise ships - just like the one this week pictured above - that disgorged 2,500 virally infected people into San Francisco while people on the street assured me they didn’t need my leaflet of public health warnings about a damaging virus because they ‘don’t live here’.
The tragedy of this pandemic has been laced with ignorance and neglect of science and public health education from the start.
“A pandemic world needs education, and a new ability to learn science and adaptation.”
Yes, you can learn adaptation.