Enterprising. Artistic. Investigative.


Content Curation Is The New Black & Scoop.it Is The New Squidoo

Announcing Scoop.it.  Anyone who wants to demonstrate their expertise in a subject area will benefit from this new tool to scoop web content into a graphically-displayed archive. Takes minutes to get started. It makes those bookmarks enticing rather than a list of text links. I believe this is an improvement on Squidoo's "lenses", it's not as complicated and easier to share. "If you can't be the source, be the resource" is the thinking....but you can also be the source.

Here are some related links:

IS CONTENT CURATION THE NEW BLACK? http://www.jonathanfields.com/blog/curation-is-the-new-content-black/

CONTENT CURATION: WHY THE NEW CURATORS ARE BEATING THE OLD http://curationservices.com/content-curation-why-the-new-curators-are-beating-the-old/

CURATION IS THE NEW CREATION http://lindaziskind.com/curation-is-the-new-creation

And a Scoop-it page of one of GlobalNiche at LinkedIn's creative entrepreneurs:  Jan Gordon

