Building your global niche -- the place you belong and operate to your true potential -- is about being both as unique and as big as you can be. This week Global Niche invites you to a live, interactive, online conversation with writer, coach and personal growth teacher Tara Sophia Mohr.
Join us in our Linqto* web room on Friday, January 13th at 10am ***Pacific Time*** [be sure to convert to your local time] to talk about optimizing who and where you are.
Tara Mohr will share the tactical skills she teaches in her upcoming Playing Big program [] which we can all use to hone our specialties and deepen/broaden our impact in the world.
Have a question for Tara? Post it at our LinkedIn Playing Big discussion here:
If you can't make it to the call, we'll release the recording soon after.
* Instructions for entering the Linqto space - go to test web cam and mic, if you wish to ask questions on camera enter the room enter a screen name
Here's a calendar of our previous and upcoming events: