Awkward Traveling. Poised Interculturalists. Native People. Hopping Places
The more time we devote to following our interests online it seems the more relevance we find. The problem: how can we ever share all the fabulousness?! The solution: rounding up zillions of links resonant to our community that cross my screen.
- This post at The Awkward Traveler -- "I wander because wandering is where I fit in" -- echoes recent expat+HAREM guest posts about the bumbling of intercultural greetings and the sensations of exile.
- At China Expat, Carolyn Vines, the author of Black and (A)broad: traveling beyond the limitations of identity, considers the changes in a woman's identity after an international relocation. Moving away from our cultural context, she writes, we learn to see ourselves with different eyes.
- If you grew up in the Americas you grew up with Native American history of some kind and at the very least, reflected in place names. Facebook hosts a massive collection of antique photos of Native Americans, organized by tribe, including ethnographic and commercial images as well as family portraits.
- This poised Seattle Voices TV interview with hybrid soul Nassim Assefi (Iranian-American doctor! author! humanitarian! ) will interest interculturalists.
- Diane Caldwell, an original contributor to the Expat Harem anthology, once ate Jack Kerouac's peanut butter. On her new blog the free spirit writes a requiem for Asmalimescit, Istanbul's hoppingest back alley.
- Have national tragedies revealed uncomfortable truths about your native people/politics? asks the ever-perspicacious ML Awanohara at Seen the Elephant
- Blogging, branding, and dealing with doubt are among the 10 secrets to managing your career overseas according to John Falchetto at the Undercover Recruiter.
- Calcutta! Expats! Jazz! Don't miss this intriguing globe-trotting/gin-soaked debut in a new excerpt of Piano Demon.